Red Dwarf`s back :)
Weather, snow, people, one nice sun deck bar in 2600 meters, quite pleasant local policemen and even the long way there went quite fast so the week in France was perfect. The movie isn`t very objective, we`ve been on the hill before 10 every day and had more than enough time to ski as well. Now I`m back to writing even though there`s July weather out there which is quite difficult to watch just through the window.

From what else I was missing was more lighness in the first episode, which was with small invention sticking too much to copying and recycling the old jokes probably in order not to disappoint the fans. The episode seemed as well as without a point (revealed in 3rd episode but not so important to cover whole episode) to be heading to and after some fighting on the board of Red Dwarf ended with a dimension jump of those four to the Earth of beginning of 21st century. The jokes weren`t very surprising but still it was nice to watch something new after such a long time. I was a bit missing as well the often critised laugh track on the background during the gags that give the sitcom a different atmosphere. Now I`m sure it`s better with it although I wouldn`t be so sure where to put it in the first episode...

The final third episode remained on the same level and made up a good ending which was the series missing for whole ten years. I still think one hour isn`t that much to fill after such a long time so it could have been done much better but it has to be considered that it wasn`t whole Grant Naylor working on new episodes and that it`s actually just a "good bye" instead of regular continuation. So. Although after the first new episode it seemed that we will see just a jerky sad funeral, at the end it turned out that Doug Naylor was able to produce an hour of worthy material that I liked and that the sitcom deserved to be completed, thx:)